Ryan Gunness
5 Day Blitz!
Use this page to launch your business
or to do a little boost from time to time.

Message a minimum of 100 people in 5 days!

Today is Saturday 03-15-2025
The time is 06:01 am EST

1. Hot List

Goal 20 People
If you were getting married, who would be the top 10 people sitting at your wedding table?

Who would be the next 10?

2. Warm List

Goal 20 People
Your closest friends and those whom you associate with regularly:
Friends & Neighbors, People you work with, Church members, Eating out friends, Movie friends, Sports or any classes together

They say yes

3. Luke Warm List

Goal 20 People
People that you do business with:
Auto mechanic, Accountant, Banker, Babysitter/Child care provider, Car dealer, Dentist (your kids too), Doctor (your kids too), Dry cleaner, Grocer/Gas station attendant, Hair stylist/barber, Housekeeper, Insurance agent, Lawyer, Merchants, Pharmacist, Real Estate Agent, Travel Agent

They say yes

4. Luke Warm List

Goal 20 People
Who are my?
Architect, Associations members, Bus driver, Butcher/Baker, Computer Tech, Children's friends parents, Chiropractor, Club members, Delivery person, FedEx/UPS Driver, Fireman, Florist, Jeweler, Leasing Agent, Mailman, Minister/Pastor & their wife, Pet Groomer, Photographer, Police, Property Manager, Sports Team members (your kids too & their parents), Tailor, Veterinarian, Waitresses/Waiter (my favorite), Water Supplier

They say yes

5. Luke Warm List

Goal 20 People
Those you have been associated with in the past:
Former Coach, Former Co-workers, Former Roommates, Former Teacher, People in your Home Town, Previous Neighbors, Military Cohorts, Retired Co-workers, Schoolmates, Was Your Boss

They say yes